Hibiscus: The Complete Care and Growing Guide (With Pictures) (2024)

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Hibiscus is a genus of large shrubs or small trees famous for their large, showy trumpet-shaped flowers. Hibiscus flowers have papery petals in hues such as pink, white, red, orange, yellow, purple, or peach. Growing hibiscus shrubs or trees in your front or backyard adds wonderful summer tropical flowers to your garden landscape.

The hibiscus plant genus is divided into two main categories—tropical hibiscus and hardy hibiscus. Tropical hibiscus plants include the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivars. Hardy hibiscus plants for colder climates are Hibiscus moscheutos and Hibiscus syriacus, or rose of Sharon.

How to Care for Hibiscus

To care for Hibiscus, grow the shrubby plants in full sun or partial shade. Water the hibiscus regularly during warm weather when the plant is in bloom. Hibiscus plants are heavy feeders, so fertilize the plant regularly to encourage blooming. In winter, tropical and hardy hibiscus require less water and no fertilizing.

Hibiscus Flowers

Hibiscus: The Complete Care and Growing Guide (With Pictures) (1)

Tropical hibiscus flowers come in a wide variety of colors and can be single or double blooms

Hibiscus is a group of perennial flowering plants with large, vibrantly colored flowers. Hibiscus flowers grow in a trumpet shape and can measure up to 12” (30 cm) across. The delicate papery-crepe petals form a star shape or saucer shape. The flowers usually have a long stamen protruding from the center.

Hibiscus: The Complete Care and Growing Guide (With Pictures) (2)

Hardy hibiscus flowers are single blooms in colors of white, pink or red and can be very large

Deadheading hibiscus flowers is not necessary. However, snipping off fading blooms can help to improve the hibiscus shrub’s appearance. Removing dead hibiscus flowers also prevents reseeding and concentrates growth into the lush foliage and flowers. The same care advice for deadheading hibiscus is suitable for tropical and hardy species of hibiscus.

Hardy Hibiscus Vs. Tropical Hibiscus

Hardy hibiscus plants are easier to grow in temperate climates than the tropical varieties. Tropical hibiscus plants won’t grow in USDA zones lower than 9. However, with some protection, hardy hibiscus will survive freezing temperatures in USDA zones 5 through 8.

A hardy hibiscus plant will withstand winters when the temperature drops below zero. Usually, shrubs lose their blooms in late fall and early winter. In colder regions, the shrub will die back to the ground and regrow in the spring. In this case, cut back the stems to a few inches high in late fall, and you will see new growth come out when the weather warms again.

Tropical hibiscus flowers come in a wide variety of colors such as pink, white, red, orange, yellow, or peach and can be single or double blooms. However hardy hibiscus flowers are single blooms only in colors of white, pink or red and can be very large up to 12” (30 cm) wide.

Another difference between hardy hibiscus and tropical hibiscus plants is their leaves. Tropical hibiscus plants tend to have darker glossier green leaves, whereas hardy hibiscus leaves are duller green and are usually heart-shaped.

Hibiscus: The Complete Care and Growing Guide (With Pictures) (3)

Leaves of tropical hibiscus (left) vs. leaves of hardy hibiscus (right)

Hibiscus Care

Hibiscus shrubs are generally easy to care for if you’re in the right zone. The bushy shrubs bloom with vibrantly-colored flowers if you water them enough and provide enough fertilizer. If you care properly for hibiscus, you will have flowers all summer long—all the way from midsummer through fall.

Some care aspects differ between hardy and tropical hibiscus. However, there are many similar care factors when growing these beautiful landscaping plants.

Temperature for Growing Hibiscus

Hardy hibiscus plants such as Hibiscus moscheutos and rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) thrive in USDA zones 5 through 8. These perennial shrubs can withstand freezing temperatures as low as -20°F (-29°C). The hibiscus plant will die back in freezing temperatures and will grow back in spring.

Hardy hibiscus shrubs need protection from heavy frost during winter. After cutting the dead stems, cover the root ball with plenty of mulch. This will help to protect the roots ready for them to regrow in the springtime.

When winter temperature is cold but not freezing, cover the hibiscus canopy to protect it from the cold weather.

Evergreen tropical hibiscus such as the Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) doesn’t grow outdoors in USDA zones lower than 9. If average temperatures drop to between 40°F and 50°F (4°C – 10°C), the plant may start losing its foliage. If outdoor temperatures drop below 20°F (-6°C), the tropical shrub will begin to die.

If you live in a temperate climate, you can grow tropical hibiscus plants in pots outdoors. However, when the average temperatures drop below 55°F (12°C), you should bring the potted plant indoors.

Hibiscus Plant Sun Requirements

Hibiscus grows best in full sun and will tolerate some shade. The best location for growing hibiscus is in a sunny place in your garden where it gets some protection from the intense midday sun. Hibiscus flowers grow best when the plant gets at least six hours of sunshine every day.

When deciding where to plant your hibiscus shrub, make sure it won’t be in too much shade. Shady growing conditions tend to slow the plant’s growth. You’ll also notice that hibiscus plants don’t bloom as much when they lack sufficient sunlight.

Both tropical and hardy hibiscus plants need protection from extremes in sunlight. Too much intense direct sunlight or growing in continual shade causes the hibiscus leaves to turn yellow. You may even notice white patches on the foliage. You may see that too much sun or too little light causes fewer buds to appear on the hibiscus.

If you live in hot, tropical climates, the best place to grow hibiscus is a partially shaded location. That way, your stunning flowering shrub won’t suffer damage from too much sunshine during summer.

The Best Hibiscus Soil

Hibiscus thrives in soil that is moist but never soggy or waterlogged. All hibiscus varieties—tropical, hardy, and potted plants—must grow in soil with excellent drainage. Ensure that the ground or potting mix has plenty of organic matter and is porous enough to allow excess water to drain away.

When growing hibiscus in your backyard, ensure the soil is slightly acidic. Hibiscus species grow best when the pH is between 6.5 and 6.8. If necessary, you can amend the soil with compost to increase acidity. Organic matter such as peat moss also locks in moisture—an essential care factor when growing hibiscus.

The best soil for growing hibiscus in containers should be a standard houseplant potting mix that is amended with perlite. The addition of perlite ensures that water drains through the growing medium freely. You can also amend the soil with peat moss to increase acidity and provide essential nutrients.

How to Water Hibiscus

The secret to getting plenty of flowers on a hibiscus plant is to water it well when it’s in bloom. Water hibiscus shrubs and trees daily in summer and warm fall days. When the weather is cooler, water less often to prevent soggy soil around the roots.

Generally, in winter, it’s best to let the ground partially dry before watering it.

If the weather is scorching, you’ll have to increase the watering frequency for tropical hibiscus plants. This can mean watering the flowering shrub as often as twice a day. However, if you notice that leaves start to turn yellow and drop, you might be watering too much.

When watering a tropical hibiscus indoors, follow the standard advice for watering houseplants. It would be best if you grow the hibiscus in bright, indirect sun and only water when the top 2” (5 cm) layer of soil is dry. Then, thoroughly drench the potting soil until water drains from the pot’s drainage hole.

How to Grow Hibiscus in Pots

Tropical hibiscus shrubs and small trees grow well in containers. As with hibiscus planted in the ground, the pot should be in a sunny location. Use a well-draining, organically-rich potting medium and water the potted hibiscus liberally in the summer and less often in winter. Always avoid letting the potting mix become soggy.

When growing tropical hibiscus indoors, don’t expose your hibiscus to dry air caused by heating, as it can cause bud drop, yellowing leaves and pest infestation. In this case, it is better to use a humidifier or humidity pebble tray to care for the hibiscus plant’s needs over the winter months.

To use a pebble tray to increase humidity levels, put some decorative pebbles in a shallow dish. Fill with water until half-way up the stones. Place the hibiscus pot on the pebbles, making sure the pot doesn’t sit in the water. Evaporation helps humidify the leaves. Top the tray up with water when necessary.

Transplanting Hibiscus Plants

Transplanting a hibiscus may be necessary if it outgrows its location in your garden. However, it’s vital to care for the tender bushy hibiscus shrub while transplanting it to prevent stress. To prepare a hibiscus shrub for replanting, it’s crucial to prepare the new hole and prune the hibiscus shrub.

To transplant a hibiscus, first dig a large enough hole in the new location. You may have to adjust the hole’s size, but getting the area ready will help reduce transplant shock. The new hole should be deep enough to accommodate the roots and about twice as wide.

The second step before digging the hibiscus from the ground is to prune it. Ideally, it would help if you reduced the hibiscus shrub size by about one-third. Transplanting a smaller hibiscus also reduces stress and helps the shrub to establish itself in the new location.

The best time to transplant a hibiscus is in the fall after the shrub has finished blooming.

Here is how to transplant a hibiscus shrub or small tree: Dig around the hibiscus shrub at a diameter of 1 ft. (30 cm) for every inch (2.5 cm) of trunk diameter. Dig under the roots and remove the plant from the ground. Gently move the hibiscus shrub to its new location.

When planting hibiscus in the hole, ensure that the soil line on the trunk measures up to the soil level. Fill the remainder of the space with the soil and pat down firmly to stabilize the shrub.

After transplanting hibiscus, water the ground thoroughly and keep the plant hydrated for the first four to six weeks. If there’s no rainfall, you’ll have to water the shrub every two or three days. After six weeks, put a layer of mulch over the hibiscus root zone to help lock in moisture and protect the roots from cold.

How to Prune Hibiscus

Pruning hibiscus trees and shrubs stimulates new buds and encourages plenty of flowers. Prune hibiscus in spring just before it starts growing vigorously. Cut hibiscus branches back about one-third and snip them off just above the node. You can also trim back any dead or diseased branches to improve the shrub’s appearance.

Apart from early spring, you can prune hibiscus plants in summer or early fall. However, pruning at this time doesn’t encourage as many flowers or growth. You should always avoid pruning hibiscus plants in late fall and winter. Hibiscus can be temperamental and don’t respond well to winter pruning.

Remember that hardy hibiscus plants may die back in late fall. You can trim back the branches to about 4” or 5” (10 – 13 cm) to prepare the plant for winter. The hibiscus should start growing again in spring when warmer days arrive. Usually, hardy hibiscus shrubs don’t start blooming until the end of May or the start of June.

Fertilizing Hibiscus

Tropical hibiscus requires more fertilization than hardy varieties. The best types of fertilizer for hibiscus in your backyard are balanced plant fertilizers for flowering plants. You can use a water-soluble or slow-release fertilizer. Fertilize every two weeks if using a water-soluble fertilizer and four times a year with a slow-release one.

When choosing the best fertilizer for flowering tropical hibiscus, choose a water-soluble one with a balanced NPK rating. Some examples are 20-20-20 or 10-10-10. This type of fertilizer ensures the shrub gets the nutrients it requires for robust growth and prolific blooming.

If using a slow-release fertilizer for tropical hibiscus shrubs, apply the granules in early spring, after the first flowers appear, mid-summer, and then early winter.

Hardy varieties of hibiscus plants typically grow well without additional fertilizer. You can apply a diluted general-purpose fertilizer two or three times during the growing season if you want to give the plant’s growth a boost.

Top care tip when fertilizing hibiscus shrubs: Always apply fertilizer to the whole root zone—approximately the canopy’s spread size.

Hibiscus Propagation

It’s easy to propagate hardy hibiscus and tropical hibiscus from cuttings. However, hardy hibiscus is more straightforward to propagate than the tropical varieties. Take a softwood cutting, approximately 6” (15 cm) long from a healthy hibiscus shrub. Strip the leaves off apart from the top ones. Place the cutting in an appropriate rooting mix.

Create a rooting mix for hibiscus plants by mixing equal parts of potting soil and perlite and putting it in a small pot. Make a hole in the soil and put the hibiscus cutting in. Firm the soil around the cutting and mist the soil.

To help the hibiscus cutting take root, place a plastic bag over the cutting and seal with an elastic band. Place the pot in partial shade and mist the soil every so often to keep the rooting soil moist. It could take about eight weeks to root. You can then transfer the new hibiscus plant to a bigger pot.

Use the same method to root tropical hibiscus plants. However, it would be best to put several stem cuttings in the rooting soil to increase your chance of taking root.

You can also propagate hibiscus from seeds. To germinate hibiscus seeds, make a small incision with a sharp knife in the seed. Soak overnight in water. Place the seeds on an appropriate soil mix and cover lightly with soil. It should take up to four weeks for seeds to sprout.

Be aware that some hibiscus varieties don’t produce seeds even under ideal conditions.

FAQ About Hibiscus Care

Although hibiscus is generally easy to care for, a few issues can affect its growth. Hibiscus, especially tropical hibiscus plants, is susceptible to changes in the environment. Let’s look in detail at some problems when growing hibiscus.

Why Are Hibiscus Flower Buds Dropping?

Several reasons can cause hibiscus buds and flowers to drop. A pest infestation, nutritional deficiencies, lack of water, temperature fluctuations, and over-fertilizing can result in buds or blooms dropping. To prevent flowers from falling, grow hibiscus trees and shrubs in plenty of sunlight, keep the soil moist, and ensure there’s adequate humidity.

What to Do About Bugs on Hibiscus Plants

Common garden pests that can affect hibiscus are aphids, thrips, whiteflies, scale, and mealybugs. To get rid of bugs from hibiscus plants, hose the hibiscus foliage with a strong jet of water. You could also make a natural neem oil pesticide and spray it on the leaves to stop pests from eating them.

Aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs all suck the sap from hibiscus leaves and stems. To spot whiteflies on aphids on hibiscus, look for tiny pests crawling under leaves. Mealybugs will leave behind a white fuzzy substance like cotton wool.

Another type of pest control is to introduce beneficial insects to your garden. Ladybugs, lacewings, or hoverflies feed on garden pests and their larvae.

How to Get Rid of Fungus on Hibiscus Plants

Fungus on hibiscus looks like a white powdery substance called powdery mildew. Prune diseased foliage and branches and dispose of them in the trash. You should also water the ground, not the leaves, to avoid fungal foliage problems.

If other plants are crowding out your hibiscus, you may have to transplant it so that more air circulates around the plant. This should help to ensure that too much moisture doesn’t accumulate in the foliage.

Fungus leaf problems rarely kill plants, but the white fungus looks unsightly on hibiscus and spoils the plant’s appearance. If the fungus infection spreads, it can slow down the plant’s growth.

Why Are Hibiscus Leaves Turning Yellow?

Hibiscus leaves turn yellow due to too much water, pests, a nutrient deficiency, excessive sun exposure, or hot temperatures. It’s crucial to find out which of these problems is causing yellow hibiscus leaves.

Only water hibiscus plants just enough to keep the soil moist. This watering technique helps keep the hibiscus growing healthy and prevent yellow leaves. In hot weather, water more frequently than in cooler weather.

If drainage or sun exposure is an issue, you may have to transplant the shrub to keep it flowering and the foliage lush green.

Also, check for signs of spider mites on houseplant hibiscus and garden hibiscus. You can use a neem oil solution to get rid of these plant-sucking mites.

If you suspect a nutrient deficiency, use a diluted balanced fertilizer every two weeks to improve the leaves’ appearance and encourage healthy hibiscus growth.

Discover the most beautiful types of hibiscus.

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Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants known for their large, vibrant flowers. There are two main categories of hibiscus plants: tropical hibiscus and hardy hibiscus. Tropical hibiscus plants, such as the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivars, are suitable for warmer climates, while hardy hibiscus plants, like Hibiscus moscheutos and Hibiscus syriacus (rose of Sharon), can tolerate colder temperatures.

To care for hibiscus plants, it's important to provide them with the right conditions. They thrive in full sun or partial shade and require regular watering during warm weather when they are in bloom. Hibiscus plants are heavy feeders, so regular fertilization is necessary to encourage blooming. However, during winter, both tropical and hardy hibiscus plants require less water and no fertilizing.

Hibiscus flowers come in a wide variety of colors, including pink, white, red, orange, yellow, purple, and peach. Tropical hibiscus flowers can be single or double blooms and can measure up to 12 inches (30 cm) across. On the other hand, hardy hibiscus flowers are single blooms in colors of white, pink, or red and can also be quite large.

When it comes to the differences between hardy and tropical hibiscus plants, their leaves vary as well. Tropical hibiscus plants tend to have darker, glossier green leaves, while hardy hibiscus leaves are duller green and usually heart-shaped.

To ensure the proper growth of hibiscus plants, it's important to consider factors such as temperature, sunlight, soil, watering, and fertilization. Hardy hibiscus plants can withstand freezing temperatures in USDA zones 5 through 8, while tropical hibiscus plants require USDA zones 9 and above. Both types of hibiscus plants prefer full sun but can tolerate some shade. They require well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH and regular watering during the growing season.

Pruning hibiscus plants in early spring stimulates new growth and encourages more flowers. Hardy hibiscus plants may die back in late fall, and it's recommended to trim back the branches to about 4 to 5 inches (10 to 13 cm) in preparation for winter.

When it comes to fertilizing hibiscus plants, tropical varieties require more fertilization than hardy ones. Balanced plant fertilizers for flowering plants, whether water-soluble or slow-release, are suitable for hibiscus plants. Tropical hibiscus plants benefit from fertilization every two weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer or four times a year with a slow-release one. Hardy hibiscus plants typically grow well without additional fertilizer, but a diluted general-purpose fertilizer can be applied two or three times during the growing season.

Hibiscus plants can be propagated from cuttings or seeds. Softwood cuttings can be taken from healthy hibiscus shrubs and placed in a rooting mix to encourage root growth. Seeds can also be germinated by making a small incision in the seed, soaking it overnight, and planting it in appropriate soil.

When caring for hibiscus plants, it's important to address common issues such as bud dropping, pests, fungus, and yellowing leaves. Bud dropping can be caused by various factors, including pests, nutritional deficiencies, lack of water, temperature fluctuations, and over-fertilizing. Pests such as aphids, thrips, whiteflies, scale, and mealybugs can affect hibiscus plants, but they can be controlled through various methods, including spraying with water or using natural neem oil pesticides. Fungal issues, such as powdery mildew, can be addressed by pruning affected foliage and ensuring proper air circulation. Yellowing leaves can be caused by overwatering, pests, nutrient deficiencies, excessive sun exposure, or hot temperatures, and addressing the underlying cause is essential for maintaining healthy foliage.

In summary, hibiscus plants are beautiful flowering shrubs that can add a tropical touch to your garden. By providing the right conditions, including proper sunlight, watering, fertilization, and care, you can enjoy vibrant hibiscus flowers throughout the summer season.

Hibiscus: The Complete Care and Growing Guide (With Pictures) (2024)


What is the best fertilizer for hibiscus plants? ›

Here, the hibiscus needs the right combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. An NPK fertiliser with a ratio of 7 – 6 – 5 is said to be ideal for this, but a normal flower fertiliser will also satisfy flower-bearing plants all around.

How often should potted hibiscus be watered? ›

Potted hibiscus typically need to be watered every 1 to 2 days. Check plants daily. If the soil is dry 1 to 2 inches deep, it's time to water. Drench the soil surface until excess water begins to flow out of the bottom of the pot.

Can I leave my potted hibiscus outside? ›

Hibiscus does very well planted in large pots that can be brought outdoors for the summer months, and then moved back inside when temperatures begin to fall.

Do hibiscus like sun or shade? ›

In general, the more sun this plant gets, the better. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis prefer full sun but will tolerate light shade. The more shade the plant gets, the fewer and likely smaller flowers it will produce. If overwintering, try to place near a southern or western facing window.

Is Miracle Gro a good fertilizer for hibiscus? ›

Beginning a month after planting, feed hibiscus regularly with Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble Bloom Booster® Flower Food, which was specially developed to encourage lots of colorful blooms. Using the Miracle-Gro® Garden Feeder makes feeding super-easy, but you can also mix the food in a watering can instead if you prefer.

What does Epsom salt do for hibiscus plants? ›

Epsom salt has quite a few benefits for hibiscus plants. First, it gives the plant much-needed magnesium. Magnesium aids in the production of chlorophyll, which supports the entire plant. Magnesium is valuable in maintaining root health, as well as assisting the plant in the absorption of other valuable nutrients.

Should you water hibiscus from top or bottom? ›

Bottom watering will not wash away salts and other minerals from the soil, so make sure to also give water over the soil every now and then.

How do I get my hibiscus to flower more? ›

Tips To Maintain Hibiscus Plant And Increase Flower Growth

Hibiscus needs a good amount of water to grow well. However, adding too much or too less water can negatively impact overall growth and reduce flowering. Ensure that the soil has moisture. If the soil is wet, skip watering.

Do you water a hibiscus from the top or bottom? ›

Hibiscus plants can be temperamental at times. Just the right amount of sun,heat water but they are lovely when everything goes right. Thrips can become a problem and be careful of fungas gnats if possible water your plants from the bottom not the top of the soil.

Do hibiscus grow better in pots or ground? ›

There are good reasons to keep them potted, such as being able to move them around, but we have also found that hibiscus do very well when planted in the ground in warm climates.

How long can hibiscus live in pots? ›

Hibiscuses may live up to ten years when using fourteen inch pots. Make sure not to over-water, try to keep your plant on the dry side. There plants like humid weather, so it is beneficial to mist the leaves daily, or use a humidifier.

Where is the best place to put a hibiscus plant? ›

Location and Light

Hardy Hibiscus does best in full sun. They will grow in partial shade, but growth and flowering will suffer. If you live in areas with very hot summers, during the hottest part of the day, Hibiscus may need shade. Hibiscus should be planted along, or in the back of perennial flower beds.

What side of the house should hibiscus be planted? ›

Choose the perfect location.

Typically this would be on the west or south side of your garden. The hibiscus can be shaded by larger trees if necessary, but will need space to spread out, as they may eventually take up two or three times the space of their original size.

How can I tell if my hibiscus is hardy or tropical? ›

Hardy varieties bars large, single flowers in red, white, lavender and pink. It has heart-shaped, matt leaves. Whereas you'll find the tropical types flower in shades of pink, orange and yellow and has darker green, glossy leaves. Hardy hibiscus is easy to grow.

Can hibiscus take hot afternoon sun? ›

You can enjoy hibiscus in half-day sun, but you typically don't see as many blooms, and they may not be as large. Note: In especially hot climates, some tropical hibiscus benefit from a little shade during the hottest part of the afternoon.

What fertilizer makes hibiscus bloom? ›

NPK is the best fertiliser for hibiscus blooming. Since nitrogen is essential for foliage development. Phosphorus promote more flowers bud formation. It also helps in root development.

How often should I fertilize my hibiscus? ›

Fertilize Often

Once hibiscus becomes established and new growth is seen, feed every two weeks with a fertilizer for blooming plants, such as Alaska Morbloom Fertilizer 0-10-10, which is designed to promote blooming and vigorous root growth.

How do I get more flowers on my hibiscus? ›

Make sure you prune your hibiscus plant regularly. Hibiscus flowers don't last for long. Once they fall, remove the pod from the stem. This will help you grow more flowers.

Why do the leaves on my hibiscus keep turning yellow? ›

Too much or too little water is the most common reason why your hibiscus leaves may be turning yellow. "If the soil is staying soggy, then this can cause the roots to rot," says Cate Singleton, director of design at online landscape design company Tilly. "But hibiscus plants need a good deal of water.


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