How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil - Create Perfect Soil To Grow Great Plants! (2024)

One of the best ways to grow healthy, strong plants from seed is to start them in loose, healthy and fertile soil – and there is no better way to do that than to make your own incredible homemade seed starting soil right at home!

Growing your own transplants from seed is one of the best ways to save money when gardening. Even better, it gives you the opportunity to grow all kinds of amazing plants you can’t find locally. After all, most nurseries and plant stores are only going to carry the most popular of plants.

But perhaps best of all, growing your own plants from seed lets you create incredibly strong and healthy transplants that are ready to grow like crazy when you plant them outdoors. And that process all begins with planting your seeds in the best soil possible.

How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil - Create Perfect Soil To Grow Great Plants! (1)
Giving Your Seeds The Best Soil To Germinate & Grow

One of the biggest mistakes gardeners make when trying to start plants indoors is to use the wrong soil. Top soil or soil from the garden are both too dense and heavy for good germination. These heavier soils don’t allow seeds or seedlings to easily absorb nutrients. They also usually hold too much water, making it easy for seeds to rot before they ever germinate.

Unfortunately, potting soil isn’t the best solution either. Although potting soil contains more nutrients and is definitely lighter than regular garden dirt and topsoil, it still isn’t light enough for starting and growing seedlings. Nor does it contain the best power to promote early seed growth.

The good news is that potting soil’s lighter structure and density are a great starting point for creating an excellent homemade seed starting soil. And by simply adding just a few additional ingredients to potting soil, you can easily turn it into an incredible homemade seed starting soil. One that is ideal for quick germination – and healthy fast root growth!

How To Make The Perfect Homemade Seed Starting Soil

Although there are a few good seed starting soil mixes available commercially, they can be quite pricey. But by mixing together a good potting soil mix with 3 additional all-natural ingredients, you can make the best seed starting soil around – and for far less!

How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil - Create Perfect Soil To Grow Great Plants! (2)

Even better, not only will making your own mix save you a bit of cash compared to store bought brands, it also allows you to create a 100% organic mix. That, of course, can be a great peace of mind when growing vegetable plants from seed.

With growing success in mind, here is a look at the 4 special ingredients needed to make perfect seed starting soil – and how to mix them together to get your seeds off to an incredible start!

#1) Potting Soil – How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil

A great seed starting soil all starts with potting soil. Potting soil is the perfect base for creating a rich, healthy seed starting soil mix.

Start by selecting a good all-purpose potting soil. Be sure that it does not include any fertilizers in the mix. Strong fertilizers can actually hurt young seedlings more than help. Young seedlings require a lighter, slow-release fertilizer to allow for even growth.

How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil - Create Perfect Soil To Grow Great Plants! (3)

If too much fertilizer is present, at best, it will lead to plants with excessive early foliage growth but weak stems. Unfortunately, too much fertilizer is more likely to be fatal to young seedlings.

#2) Perlite – How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil

Perlite is an all-natural substance made from volcanic glass. When exposed to extremely high temperatures (1500+ degrees), perlite puffs into an airy, lightweight substance that looks quite similar to bits of white styrofoam. And it happens to be a perfect ingredient for making great seed starting soil!

Perlite lightens the soil weight tremendously, all while creating air channels in the soil for water and air. Both of these qualities are vital to strong seedling growth. It is exactly why you will see perlite as an ingredient in many potting soils as well.

How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil - Create Perfect Soil To Grow Great Plants! (4)

Perlite never breaks down, so it keeps the soil from compacting together permanently. Once you purchase a bag of perlite, it will stay good forever. And once it’s in the ground, it will also help forever as well! Affiliate Product Link : Espoma Perlite 8 qt. Bag

#3) Compost – How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil

Whenever you want to add loose, lightweight and fertile power to any soil, compost is the answer! It not only helps to lighten a homemade seed starting soil mix, it also improves the overall drainage of the soil as well.

Compost is overflowing with nutrients that are easily absorbed by tender roots. Even better, those nutrients are not overly strong, so they won’t overpower young seedlings. In addition, compost can hold in excess of 10 times its weight in moisture – which means it can help seedlings get the moisture they need to sprout and grow.

When adding compost to your seed starting mix, it’s important to use use ultra-fine compost. If using compost from your home pile, screen it first to remove any large chunks that may have not fully broken down yet.

This is one time where picking up a bag of compost can be helpful. Most commercial bags of compost have already been screened and are quite fine. Affiliate Link: Charlies Compost 10 Lb. Bag

#4) Worm Castings – How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil

The 4th and final ingredient to add to your mix is worm castings. Worm castings, which are the manure of worms, are the true hero of a perfect seed starting mix.

The light makeup of the castings helps to break up and lighten soil much like perlite – but with one big difference – worm castings are filled with loads of trace minerals and nutrients that can easily and quickly be absorbed by seedlings to power them up.

These nutrients slowly release over time and leach into the soil as they break down. Just like compost, worm castings also act as the ultimate slow-release fertilizer for young seedlings.

Although you could use just compost, perlite, and potting soil, worm castings take homemade potting soil to another level. One that will have your plants strong and healthy come transplant day! Product Link : 100% Pure Worm Castings

How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil - Create Perfect Soil To Grow Great Plants! (6)

Creating The Mix – How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil

The best part of all in creating your own seed starting soil is how easy it is to mix together. To make, simply combine equal parts of each of the four ingredients above. It is usually best to premix all four in a large wheelbarrow or 5-gallon bucket and then fill your seed trays.

For best results, always water down your soil in the trays a few days prior to seed planting day. This will help to provide good moisture in the soil for better germination. It also allows the soil to settle in the containers, giving you time to top it off before planting seeds.

For more great information on starting seeds and how to provide them the right lighting for success, be sure to check out our article:

Make this the year you create your own seed starting mix and grow your best plants ever!

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Regarding the concepts used in this article, let's discuss each one:

Starting Plants from Seed

Starting plants from seed is a cost-effective and rewarding way to grow a variety of plants. It allows you to have control over the entire growth process, from germination to transplanting. By starting seeds indoors, you can extend the growing season and have a head start on your garden.

Importance of Soil for Seed Starting

Using the right soil is crucial for successful seed germination and healthy plant growth. Regular garden soil or topsoil is too dense and heavy for good germination. These soils do not allow seeds or seedlings to easily absorb nutrients and can hold too much water, leading to rotting. On the other hand, potting soil is lighter and contains more nutrients, but it may still not be ideal for starting and growing seedlings.

Homemade Seed Starting Soil

To create the perfect homemade seed starting soil, you can start with a good all-purpose potting soil as the base. It should not contain any fertilizers that can harm young seedlings. Then, you can add three additional ingredients:

  1. Perlite: Perlite is an all-natural substance made from volcanic glass. It lightens the soil weight, creates air channels for water and air, and prevents soil compaction. It is commonly found in potting soils.

  2. Compost: Compost is a loose, lightweight, and fertile material that improves soil drainage and provides nutrients to seedlings. It can hold moisture and help with seed germination. Ultra-fine compost is recommended for seed starting mixes.

  3. Worm Castings: Worm castings, also known as worm manure, are rich in trace minerals and nutrients that can be easily absorbed by seedlings. They help break up and lighten the soil, similar to perlite. Worm castings act as a slow-release fertilizer for young seedlings.

To make the homemade seed starting soil, combine equal parts of potting soil, perlite, compost, and worm castings. Mix them together in a large container, such as a wheelbarrow or a 5-gallon bucket. Before planting seeds, water down the soil in the seed trays a few days prior to provide good moisture for better germination.

By making your own seed starting soil, you can save money compared to store-bought brands and have the peace of mind of using a 100% organic mix.

Please note that the information provided above is based on general gardening knowledge and practices. It is always a good idea to consult local gardening resources or experts for specific recommendations based on your region and plant types.

How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil - Create Perfect Soil To Grow Great Plants! (2024)


How To Make Homemade Seed Starting Soil - Create Perfect Soil To Grow Great Plants!? ›

Basic Peat DIY Seed Starting Mix: 1 part peat moss + 1 part perlite or pumice + 1 part compost (again, this part can contain up to half its volume in worm castings) + a sprinkling of azomite. Not only are these starter mixes great for sprouting seeds, but they are inexpensive.

How do you make the best seed starting soil? ›

Basic Peat DIY Seed Starting Mix: 1 part peat moss + 1 part perlite or pumice + 1 part compost (again, this part can contain up to half its volume in worm castings) + a sprinkling of azomite. Not only are these starter mixes great for sprouting seeds, but they are inexpensive.

What do you add to soil before planting seeds? ›

The amount of manure or compost one needs really depends on the existing soil and site. Generally, we recommend spreading a 1/4 inch - 3/4 inch of manure on your planting bed. Because compost is more well-balanced than manure, you can generally add more compost than manure without burning your plants.

What is the best potting mixture for seeds? ›

“Seed starting soil may include several items including moisture-retentive organic matter like peat moss, coco coir, fine compost, composted tree bark, or leaf mold and porous material to assist with good drainage, such as perlite, vermiculite, or sand,” Clausen says.

What is the best mixture for sowing seeds? ›

Seed Starting Potting Mix Recipe
  • A simple potting mix of compost, coir and perlite gives seeds an excellent start in life.
  • Adding perlite to a potting mix helps to improve its structure.
  • Sowing into module trays of potting mix is an easy way to start seeds.
  • Plants grown on in containers need a richer potting mix.
Feb 23, 2018

How to turn bad soil into good soil? ›

Transform dead dirt into healthy soil using these tried-and-true methods.
  1. Stop using NPK fertilizers. ...
  2. Stop using herbicides. ...
  3. Leave the leaves. ...
  4. Be mindful of disturbing the soil. ...
  5. Use wood chips. ...
  6. Use compost. ...
  7. Stop spraying for mosquitos.

How to make a good soil for planting? ›

You can increase the amount of organic matter in your soil by adding compost, aged animal manures, green manures (cover crops), mulches or peat moss. Because most soil life and plant roots are located in the top 6 inches of soil, concentrate on this upper layer.

How to add nutrients to seed starting mix? ›

If you are looking to make your own seed starting mix - I encourage you to add nutritional and microbial value to it by including both compost and worm castings. It is common to use up to 50% peat moss and perlite, and then 25% compost and 25% worm castings.

How do you make the best potting soil mix? ›

Ingredients can be measured with a standard 10-quart bucket.
  1. 30 quarts brown peat.
  2. 20 quarts sand or perlite.
  3. 20 quarts compost.
  4. 10 quarts soil.
  5. 3 cups base fertilizer (equal parts blood meal, colloidal phosphate, greensand)
  6. ½ cup lime.
Apr 15, 2024

Is Miracle Gro potting mix good for seeds? ›

Help seeds germinate by sowing them in Miracle-Gro® Seed Starting Potting Mix. This is finer than a regular potting mix, so young roots have an easier time of poking through. It mostly contains lightweight peat moss—a texture that allows air to move through while retaining a uniform amount of moisture.

What is the best medium for seed starting? ›

Combine compost, topsoil, a bit of coarse sand, and something like vermiculite, perlite, or coco coir until you have a mix with a consistency that holds together when wet. For seed starting, you'll avoid using as much sand as you would when making soil for your garden.

Can egg cartons be used to start seeds? ›

Gardening can feel like a very expensive activity sometimes, but starting seeds for spring planting doesn't have to be. You can use egg cartons as a seed-starting tray! Depending on the type of carton you have, you can even cut apart the individual sections and plant them, as the carton will biodegrade.

What is the ratio for seed starting mix? ›

DIY Seed Starting Mix with Worm Castings

It is common to use up to 50% peat moss and perlite, and then 25% compost and 25% worm castings.

How long should seeds be soaked in water before starting in soil mix? ›

Examples of seeds that benefit from soaking include peas, beets, cucumber, corn, squash, pumpkin and beans. In a bowl, cover your seeds with warm water and leave to soak for 6-24 hours. Smaller seeds and those with thinner coats need the shorter time, and larger seeds with thicker coats need the longer period.

How much worm castings to add to seed starting mix? ›

DIY: If you want to build your own seedling mix, you will want to add worm castings to an existing seed starting mix or potting mix. You want to aim for about 10-33% of the mixture to be worm castings and the remainder of the mixture being your potting mix (bonus points if you add sifted compost).


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