Jasmine Flowers: Types, How to Grow, and Care | Florgeous (2024)

One cannot simply come across a jasmine flower and not take a moment to catch a whiff of its sweet floral fragrance. It seems impossible that such a small flower can exude such a strong, fragrant smell.

From teapots to flowerpots, with its beautiful, sweet flowers, and its many beneficial uses, jasmine is definitely a flower worth having in a garden.

Table Of Contents

  1. Jasmine Origin
  2. Jasmine As An Ornamental Plant
  3. Jasmine As A Medicinal Plant
  4. How To Grow Jasmine
    • Soil
    • Water
    • Sunlight
    • Fertilizer
    • Pruning
    • Pets and Diseases
    • Propagate Jasmine Plant
  5. FAQs

Jasmine Origin

Jasmine or Jessamine in Arabic literally means “Gift from God”. It is the common name for plant species under the genus Jasminum from the Olive family (Oleaceae). This family consists of a wide group of plants with 29 genera and 600 species, all are known for their oils which are utilized in various industries.

The genus Jasminum houses more than 200 plant species of which 50 species are cultivated (2).

They are one of the oldest cultivated ornamental plants appearing in old texts and mural paintings as late as 250 B.C. Jasmine is said to have originated from the Himalayas region where they are utilized by indigenous people for culinary and traditional practices.

In China, jasmine tea is prepared by mixing jasmine flowers with tea leaves to add aroma. Garlands made of jasmine flowers are a favorite offering and adornment in altars in some Asian countries.

Jasmine is even considered as the national flower of some countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines (1).

Jasmine Flowers: Types, How to Grow, and Care | Florgeous (1)

Jasmine As An Ornamental Plant

Although nowadays they are widespread across the world, jasmines are native to the tropics and subtropics. Many species of jasmine are quite hardy which is why they are favored by horticulturists and hobbyists alike. Jasmines are deciduous shrubs, but some varieties are climbers.

Common jasmine species are Spanish Jasmine (J. grandiflorum), Arabic Jasmine (J. sambac) Common Jasmine (J. officinale), Italian Jasmine (J. humile), Angelwing Jasmine (J. nitidum), King Jasmine (J. rex), and Winter Jasmine (J. nudiflorum) (1).

Arabian Jasmine and Common Jasmine have many cultivars that varies among each other based on their leaves and flowers. Popular Arabian Jasmine cultivars include the Maid of Orleans, Grand Duke of Tuskany, and Dundamali while the popular ones for the Common Jasmine are Devon Cream, Crug’s Collection, and Frojas (3).

The leaves differ in shape and size, with a lush green color that may be waxy or velvety. The flowers are almost exclusively white with exceptions of some colored species such as the Winter Jasmine. The fragrant flowers bloom in clusters and may be simple, one-layered flowers or grand, multiple-layered flowers resembling a rose.

Jasmine blossoms have a sweet floral scent, with the flower buds having a stronger fragrance. Some varieties, though, lack this signature fragrance such as the Winter Jasmine but they make up for it with their beautiful yellow flowers (2).

Another treasured cultivar of jasmine is the pink flowered Jasminum x staphense, a hybrid of the Common Jasmine with the Red Jasmine (J. beesianum) (1).

Jasmine As A Medicinal Plant

Jasmine plants are used by many Asian countries for their folkloric or traditional medicines. The flowers are very popular for their use in aromatherapy. In traditional Chinese medicine, jasmine flowers are used as an antispasmodic and as an ingredient to treat lymphoma and hepatitis.

In Hindu medicine, the leaves of Spanish Jasmine are used as a remedy for skin diseases (4).

The flowers are also used in Ayurveda to heal wounds, and as an aphrodisiac. Some wild varieties of jasmine are even reported to have potential antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties (5).

Aside from the medical industry, the cosmetic industry also benefits greatly from jasmines (6).

Jasmine essential oils extracted from jasmine flowers are used as a base note in perfumery, and to add scent in various cosmetic products. Harvesting jasmine oil requires a lot of flowers to be used. In fact, eight thousand flowers will only yield one gram of jasmine oil. That is equal to only about 25 drops of oil (1)!

How To Grow Jasmine

Growing jasmine flowers can be a rewarding experience, as these beautiful blooms not only add fragrance to your garden but also bring a touch of elegance to any space. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to grow jasmine flowers successfully.

Before you start growing jasmine, it’s important to choose the right types of jasmine for your climate and space. Some popular varieties include Jasminum officinale (common jasmine), Jasminum sambac (Arabian jasmine), and Jasminum polyanthum (pink jasmine). Consider factors such as climate, space availability, and intended use (jasmine plant indoors or outdoors) when selecting a variety.


Jasmine plants thrive in well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH level (around 6.0 to 7.0). A mixture of loamy soil enriched with organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure works well for jasmine. Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.


  • Outdoor Jasmine:Water regularly,especially during hot weather,allowing the top inch of soil to dry before watering again.Avoid overwatering.
  • Indoor Jasmine:Water moderately,keeping the soil evenly moist but not soggy.Water deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry.


Jasmine plants prefer full sunlight for at least 4 to 6 hours a day. Place them in a location where they can receive ample bright light, especially in the morning hours. However, they can tolerate partial shade, particularly in hot climates.


Feed jasmine plants with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer formulated for flowering plants. Apply the fertilizer during the growing season, typically in early spring and summer, following the instructions on the product label.

Avoid over-fertilizing, as excessive nutrients can lead to lush foliage growth at the expense of fragrant white flowers.


Regular pruning is beneficial for jasmine plants to maintain their shape, promote bushy growth, and encourage flower production. Prune plants after flowering to remove spent blooms and shape the plant as desired. Avoid heavy pruning, especially during the fall and winter months, as this can reduce flower production.

Pets and Diseases

Jasmine is generally resistant to pests and diseases,but watch out for aphids, spider mites,mealybugs,and fungal issues.Address them promptly with organic methods whenever possible.

Propagate Jasmine Plant

You can propagate jasmine plants through stem cuttings taken from healthy, mature plants. Dip the cuttings in rooting hormone and plant them in well-draining potting mix. Keep the soil moist and provide bottom heat to encourage root growth. Once rooted, transplant the cuttings into individual pots or directly into the garden.


How do you keep jasmine blooming?

To keep jasmine blooming, ensure it receives ample sunlight, at least 4-6 hours daily, and provide consistent watering and fertilization during the growing season. Regular pruning to remove spent flowers encourages continuous blooming throughout the flowering season.

Does jasmine need direct sunlight?

Jasmine thrives in direct sunlight but can tolerate some shade. However, to encourage prolific blooming, it’s best to provide jasmine with ample sunlight, ideally at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

How long do jasmine flowers last?

The duration of jasmine flowers varies depending on the species and environmental conditions. Typically, jasmine flowers last for a few days to a week before fading and dropping from the plant.

Why do jasmine flowers fall off so quickly?

Several factors can cause jasmine flowers to fall off quickly, including environmental stressors like fluctuating temperatures, inadequate sunlight or water, nutrient deficiencies, or pests and diseases. Ensuring optimal growing jasmine plant conditions and proper care can help minimize premature flower drop.

Should I remove dead jasmine flowers?

Yes, it’s advisable to remove dead jasmine flowers promptly. Deadheading spent blooms not only improves the plant’s appearance but also redirects its energy towards producing new flowers, prolonging the blooming period.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, growing jasmine flowers requires attention to soil, water, sunlight, fertilizer, humidity, and pest management. By providing the right jasmine plant care, you can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of jasmine blooms in your garden or indoor space.

Up Next: Jasmine Flower Meaning and Symbolism


(1) Cumo C.M. 2013. Encyclopedia of Cultivated Plants: From Acacia to Zinnia. ABC-CLIO, USA. pp. 535-538.

(2) eFloras (2008). Published on the Internet; http://www.efloras.org [accessed 23 September 2019]

(3) Joshi H. Jasmines. 2019. AGROHORTICO, Gardening. pp. 3-22.

(4) Khidzir K.M. Cheng S.F. Chuah C.H. 2015. Interspecies variation of chemical constituents and antioxidant capacity of extracts from Jasminum sambac and Jasminum multiflorum grown in Malaysia. Industrial Crops and Products. Vol. 74. pp. 635-641.

(5) Padmaa. M. Paarakh. 2009. Antibacterial activity of Jasminum grandiflorum Linn leaves. JPR: BioMedRx: An International Journal, Vol 2, No 7.

(6) Panda H. Cultivation and Utilization of Aromatic Plants. 2005. Asia Pacific Business Press Inc. pp. 221-239.


Photo credit: watsilchum/pixabay.com

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Jasmine Flowers: Types, How to Grow, and Care | Florgeous (2024)


Jasmine Flowers: Types, How to Grow, and Care | Florgeous? ›

Soils that jasmine thrive in – Jasmine needs well-drained but moist, moderately fertile sandy loamy soil. Supports for jasmine – If planting a twining vine variety and wanting jasmine to climb, the plant will need a support structure. A trellis or fence will both work.

How do you take care of jasmine flowers? ›

Plant jasmine in full to partial sunlight, in well-drained soil of average fertility. Keep it evenly moist. It grows well as a container plant outdoors, or in well-lit indoor locations. Several varieties will tolerate low light, but they bloom less in low light conditions.

How to grow a jasmine flower? ›

Jasmine plants prefer well-drained, fertile garden soil that is consistently moist. If the soil doesn't drain well, incorporate organic matter. Water jasmine in the garden once a week. Indoor jasmine requires more frequent watering—as much as two to three times a week.

How do you care for a jasmine plant outside? ›

They need a minimum temperature of 13-15°C (55-60°F). Outdoors, summer-flowering jasmines need to be grown in a warm, sunny, sheltered position - preferably a south- or south-west facing aspect. Jasminum nudiflorum tolerates more shade and can also be grown in a a south-east or north-west facing aspect.

What does jasmine need to grow well? ›

Grow jasmines in moist but free-draining soil in full sun, up a sturdy support such as a trellis or wires. Feed weekly with a high potash fertiliser in summer and mulch in autumn with well-rotted manure or leaf mould. Cut back after flowering.

How do I keep my jasmine plant happy? ›

Pot jasmine plants in a slightly acidic, well-drained soil with good organic content. Also, keep in mind that you can cut back on the feeding and fertilizing process during the winter since the growth slows down during that time.

Do you cut back jasmine after flowering? ›

Jasmine is best pruned right after flowering, at the end of summer. This leaves plenty of time for new growth time to mature. Simply prune back flowered stems to a strong sideshoot lower down. You can also cut out crossing, weak or thin stems.

Does jasmine do better in pots or ground? ›

As long as jasmine is grown in well-draining soil and with plenty of sun, humidity, and water, it adapts well to potted environments.

What month do jasmine flowers bloom? ›

When does jasmine bloom? Jasmine blooms in clusters from spring until well into the fall. The sweet flowers are most often cream, white or yellow, depending on the variety, and will attract bees and other pollinators.

How long do jasmine flowers last? ›

How long does a star jasmine bloom? Usually, its blooming season is beginning in May and continues through June. As for the lifespan of the flowers, they last up to the week: their blooming time depends on the conditions the plant is growing in.

Is Miracle Grow good for jasmine plants? ›

Fertilizing Jasmine all season long will ensure vigorous growth and repeat blooming. We recommend Miracle Grow's Miracid or Espoma's Holly Tone.

Where is the best place to plant jasmine? ›

Summer jasmines like a warm, sheltered spot, where they can bask in the sun, while hardy winter jasmine is happy in colder locations, in sun or partial shade. Tender jasmines like year-round warmth indoors.

How to make a jasmine plant bushy? ›

Pinching the tips, especially in the first two years, promotes rapid growth and lush foliage. Pinch lateral stems as well as the main, upright stem. Summer jasmine blooms in summer and early fall, and winter jasmine blooms in late winter and early spring on vines that developed the previous season.

How to keep jasmine flowers fresh? ›

Here are some simple tips to keep the cut flower fresh for long time.
  1. Cut the Stems at an Angle. To maintain fresh bouquets, cut stems at a 45-degree angle to increase water intake and prevent drying. ...
  2. Use a Clean Vase and Cold Water. Clean your vessel with warm water and soap before filling it with water. ...
  3. Trim Excess Le.
Sep 3, 2015

How to keep indoor jasmine flowering? ›

When your plant arrives, put it in a cool room and set it in a window that receives bright light but little or no direct sun. Flowers will open and last longer with cooler home temperatures. Watering: Water only when the top half inch of the potting mix is dry to the touch; Jasmine won't tolerate soggy potting mix.

Why are my jasmine flowers dying? ›

Flower buds turning brown and dropping off can be a sign of too much water or not enough. I would first start with checking the drainage. Also, make a change to the amount of water your jasmine is receiving. I'm sometimes guilty of loving plants too much and overwatering them!


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