Thistleclaw 2: Justified or Unjustified? | Warrior Cats Forums (2024)

Whispering Willow Thistleclaw 2: Justified or Unjustified? | Warrior Cats Forums (1)Thistleclaw 2: Justified or Unjustified? | Warrior Cats Forums (2)Thistleclaw 2: Justified or Unjustified? | Warrior Cats Forums (3)

Thistleclaw 2: Justified or Unjustified? | Warrior Cats Forums (4)

Kindness is as much a virtue as patience.

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Thistleclaw 2: Justified or Unjustified?Apr 5, 2024 13:24:53 GMT -5کیوان likes this

Post by Whispering Willow on Apr 5, 2024 13:24:53 GMT -5

Justified or Unjustified?

This idea is similar to and takes inspiration from ❅Maplefrost❅ ’s "Innocent or Guilty?" thread series, and credit goes to them for the original concept. They gave me permission to bring this idea back. Thanks, Maplefrost!

Hello, everyone! If you recall, I wrote a post asking if people would be interested in this game. A few people expressed interest, so I decided to go ahead with it. I hope you all have fun with it, and please be kind!

“Justified or Unjustified?” is all about majority judgment. In this game, I will present you with a scenario that will be available for 48hours. This scenario will summarize a single scene involving one or more characters. It is your job to decide whether the action taken by the target character(s) (indicated in bold before the scenario) is justified or unjustified and vote in the poll. At the end of the poll, I will record the final results and declare the final verdict as decided by all of you!

Debating is more than welcome, but if you decide to do so, please exercise kindness and respect for others. Keep in mind that opinions are subjective and that some cases may be more cut-and-dry than others. If you join in late or miss a vote, you are of course more than welcome to write out your opinion(s) in the thread for the scenario(s) you missed, but it will not be counted in the final verdict. If you do this, please be sure to indicate which topic(s) you are talking about to prevent confusion.

In order to avoid biased results, I will not participate in the poll myself. Be sure to check back each day for new scenarios, as I will be recreating the poll every 48 hours (or as close as I can) to reflect the change. I may also make a note in the thread that the next scenario is up. If you feel that you are missing information or context for a scenario, don’t be afraid to ask me to elaborate.


  • This is a thread for civil, peaceful debate. I want this to be a place for people to share their opinions safely. Be kind and respectful to one another and respect each other’s opinions.
  • Do not start arguments and cause trouble for your fellow users. No insults, personal attacks, disrespectful remarks, etc. If I see mean-spirited debating starting up, I will issue a warning. If it continues, I will request for this thread to be locked.
  • For controversial or sensitive topics, use kind and appropriate language. Do not use cruel, inflammatory, or violent language intended to abuse characters or other users.
  • Please try to stay on-topic. Don’t use unrelated scenes, characters, relationships, plot points, etc. to justify your reasoning or in debates. Try your best to stay within the bounds of the prompt using appropriate context.

Previous Scenarios

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  1. Rusty: In Into the Wild, Longtail mocks Rusty for wanting to leave his kittypet life to join ThunderClan, casting doubt on Rusty's ability to become a strong warrior. Upon encouragement from Lionheart, Rusty attacks Longtail to prove himself capable to the Clan. Was Rusty justified in attacking Longtail?
  2. Mistystar: In Mistystar’s Omen, Mistystar decides to make Mothwing surrender her medicine cat position after finding out that she doesn’t believe in StarClan. She believes that, because interpreting signs from and communicating with StarClan is so integral to a medicine cat’s job, Mothwing cannot be an effective medicine cat for RiverClan. Was Mistystar justified in forcing Mothwing to step down?
  3. Tigerheart: In Night Whispers, Ivypaw finds Dovepaw in a meeting with Tigerheart. Tigerheart saves Dovepaw from being discovered by a ShadowClan patrol, but allows Ivypaw to be taken. Because Littlecloud is ill, he tells ShadowClan about Jayfeather’s catmint that Dovepaw had mentioned to him previously, and they use Ivypaw to force ThunderClan to trade. This places ThunderClan’s cats at risk. Was Tigerheart justified in telling ShadowClan about Jayfeather’s catmint?
  4. Bristlefrost: In The Silent Thaw, the Impostor asks Bristlefrost to keep an eye on ThunderClan and report any codebreakers to him. She reports Lionblaze and Spotfur for catching prey on WindClan territory, causing Bramblestar to banish Lionblaze and to order the Clan to ignore Spotfur, both for a quarter-moon. Was Bristlefrost justified in reporting Lionblaze and Spotfur?
  5. Reedfeather: In Crookedstar’s Promise, the WindClan deputy, Reedfeather, comes to RiverClan camp and reveals that he fathered Fallowtail’s kits. He asks that RiverClan give Willowkit and Graykit to WindClan, as he believes that they belong with their father. At Fallowtail’s request, Hailstar allows him to take the kits. Was Reedfeather justified in taking the kits to WindClan?
  6. Hailstar: In Crookedstar’s Promise, a little while after allowing Reedfeather to take his kits to WindClan, Hailstar unexpectedly leads a patrol to get them back. In his rage, Hailstar nearly drowns Reedfeather, but he is stopped by Owlfur. RiverClan is successful in stealing Willowkit and Graykit back. Was Hailstar justified in taking the kits back to RiverClan?
  7. Rowanstar: In The Apprentice’s Quest, Rowanstar demands that Bramblestar give ShadowClan Violetkit and Twigkit. He does so under the logic that, since Needlepaw traveled with Alderpaw, ShadowClan deserves to take them. The other leaders agree, and Mistystar suggests that they split the kits between ThunderClan and ShadowClan. Rowanstar agrees and takes Violetkit. Was Rowanstar justified in taking Violetkit and separating the two sisters?
  8. Mudclaw: In Starlight, Mudclaw leads a rebellion against Onewhisker because Tallstar stripped him of his deputy position in favor of Onewhisker. Mudclaw, believing that this is wrong and that Firestar and Brambleclaw are not trustworthy in their reporting, attacks WindClan alongside Hawkfrost in order to usurp Onewhisker. Was Mudclaw justified in leading his rebellion?
  9. Pinestar: In Pinestar’s Choice, StarClan--excluding Doestar--pressures Pinestar to kill his only surviving kit, Tigerkit, predicting that he would be a threat in the future. He spends time in Twolegplace to cope, making friends and finding comfort. As time goes on, StarClan continues to send warnings and he witnesses several battles and deaths. He becomes disillusioned with life in ThunderClan and overwhelmed by the demands of StarClan, and he decides to become a kittypet. Was Pinestar justified in leaving his life as Clan leader?
  10. Hollyleaf: In Sunrise, Hollyleaf murders Ashfur to keep him quiet about the Three’s heritage. However, she then reveals the secret herself at the Gathering out of anger and guilt. As a result, Leafpool steps down and Brambleclaw leaves Squirrelflight. Was Hollyleaf justified in revealing the secret?
  11. Quiet Rain: In A Forest Divided, Quiet Rain travels with Sun Shadow to find the cats who left the tribe. When they arrive, she is informed about the Great Battle that was caused by her son, Clear Sky, and about all of the cats who died. Enraged, she disowns Clear Sky and refuses to forgive him for his actions, clawing him. Was Quiet Rain justified in her response to Clear Sky’s crimes?
  12. Swiftpaw: In A Dangerous Path, Swiftpaw grows unhappy with Bluestar’s refusal to make the apprentices warriors, despite that they’re long overdue. He decides to prove himself by finding out what the threat at Snakerocks is, and Brightpaw goes with him. The dogs find them and kill him and maul Brightpaw. Was Swiftpaw justified in searching out the threat?
  13. Stormfur: In Sunset, after Brook accidentally chases prey onto ShadowClan territory, Hawkfrost reports her to RiverClan with the intention of getting her and Stormfur exiled. He uses her violation of the warrior code, as well as Mothwing’s dream, to gain support for his claim that Brook does not belong there. He tells them to return to the Tribe. Stormfur attacks Hawkfrost in a rage, and Leopardstar exiles Stormfur and Brook as a result. Was Stormfur justified in attacking Hawkfrost?
  14. Talltail and Shrewclaw: In Tallstar’s Revenge, during a battle with ShadowClan, Talltail and Shrewclaw work together to attempt to kill Cedarstar. They believe that Cedarstar was responsible for the death of Shrewclaw’s mother, Brackenwing, in a prior battle with ShadowClan. This attempt leads to Shrewclaw’s death in turn. Were Talltail and Shrewclaw justified in trying to kill Cedarstar?
  15. Flametail: In The Last Hope, Jayfeather seeks out Flametail in StarClan to get him to tell the other medicine cats that Jayfeather did not drown him. However, when he finds him, Flametail is upset with Jayfeather, and even refuses to help when he gets stuck in mud. Only when Spottedleaf tells him off does Flametail help Jayfeather and explain to the medicine cats that he is innocent. Was Flametail justified in his bitter response to Jayfeather?
  16. Berryheart: In Thunder, Berryheart challenges Tigerstar’s leadership during a Gathering. She cites his takeover of RiverClan, accusing Tigerstar of greed, which she believes will destroy ShadowClan. The fact that Tigerstar honors the new code that allows cats to switch Clans factors in as well. In the end, she leaves ShadowClan. Was Berryheart justified in attempting to depose Tigerstar?
  17. Cinderpelt: In Rising Storm, ThunderClan finds two ShadowClan warriors, Littlecloud and Whitethroat, sheltering in their territory. They are both seriously ill, having caught the sickness ravaging ShadowClan. Despite Fireheart’s warnings and knowing that Bluestar would disapprove, Cinderpelt nurses the two sickly warriors back to health. Was Cinderpelt justified in helping Littlecloud and Whitethroat?
  18. Thornclaw: In Darkness Within, Thornclaw starts an argument with Lionblaze. He points out the nepotism throughout ThunderClan’s leadership and accuses Squirrelflight of abandoning ThunderClan after Bramblestar exiled her. He claims that following their leader’s orders is exactly what’s put them in the position they’re in. He decides to leave with several other cats temporarily, leaving his mate, Blossomfall, behind. Was Thornclaw justified in his behavior?
  19. Yellowfang: In the comic of Bramblestar’s Storm, Yellowfang reveals to Squirrelflight that she had lied about Squirrelflight being barren in Leafpool’s Wish and tells her that she’s expecting kits. She lied in order to convince Squirrelflight to take in Leafpool’s kits and raise them as her own. Was Yellowfang justified in her lie?
  20. Leafpool: In Dark River, Leafpool attempts to prevent Jaypaw from telling Cinderpaw that she is Cinderpelt reincarnated, desperate to make sure that Cinderpaw recovers so that she can be a warrior. She scolds Jaypaw several times for trying to explore this discovery. Was Leafpool justified in her behavior?
  21. Wind Runner: In Moth Flight’s Vision, Moth Flight gets distracted by a moth while being scolded by Wind Runner for missing a rabbit. She runs into a Thunderpath, forcing Gorse Fur to save her. Wind Runner snaps and says that WindClan would be better off without her, causing Moth Flight to run away. Was Wind Runner justified in scolding Moth Flight?
  22. Needlepaw: In Thunder and Shadow, after spending time with Rain and Darktail returns Violetkit, Needlepaw decides that the Kin should join ShadowClan to strengthen them. However, Rowanstar refuses to accept them. Needlepaw insults StarClan and decides to leave ShadowClan to join the Kin, followed by several other apprentices. Was Needlepaw justified in leaving ShadowClan?
  23. Thunder: In Path of Stars, after Star Flower is kidnapped by Slash’s group, Clear Sky goes to the other leaders for help. When he reaches Thunder, his son refuses to help, stating that he can’t sacrifice prey (Slash’s demand in exchange for returning Star Flower) or risk the lives of his campmates to help Star Flower. Was Thunder justified in his refusal to help Star Flower?
  24. Firestar: In Midnight, Cinderpelt receives a vision from StarClan about a tiger leaping from flames, and she interprets it to potentially mean that Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw together would bring danger to the Clan. Firestar goes to extreme lengths to separate the two cats, causing them great distress as they are constantly in trouble. When the two leave to go on the journey to find Midnight, Firestar feels guilty, and Sandstorm presents the possibility that the vision could have meant the opposite of their initial interpretation. Was Firestar justified in keeping Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw separated?
  25. Spotfur: In Spotfur’s Rebellion, Spotfur decides to lead a rebellion against the Impostor. She and Stemleaf realize that Bramblestar is not behaving like himself and grow unhappy with the way the Impostor treats the Clan, and so they gather cats from all of the Clans to discuss the issue and eventually try to kill Bramblestar. Was Spotfur justified in organizing and initiating a rebellion?
  26. Nightheart: In Sky, Nightheart decides to join ShadowClan. He feels that he doesn’t belong in ThunderClan, as he thinks that he can’t live up to Firestar’s legacy and that he shouldn’t have to. He also feels that some cats, such as Squirrelflight, Sparkpelt, and Finchlight, are too harsh on and unkind to him, especially when he fails his warrior assessment a few times and after he rejects the original warrior name of Flameheart. He develops a crush on Sunbeam and chooses to join ShadowClan to be with her. Was Nightheart justified in leaving ThunderClan?
  27. Stoneteller: In Moonrise, Stoneteller receives a sign from the Tribe of Endless Hunting that a silver cat would save them from Sharptooth. When Stormfur arrives, the Tribe is convinced that he is the silver cat, and Stoneteller refuses to allow him to leave until Sharptooth has been stopped. Was Stoneteller justified in preventing Stormfur from leaving?
  28. Storm: In The Sun Trail, Clear Sky’s mate, Storm, grows tired of Clear Sky’s aggressive methods of keeping his territory secure and of his overbearing coddling. She leaves Clear Sky’s camp while expecting his kits and moves to a Twoleg den, which later collapses and kills her and two of her kits. Was Storm justified in leaving Clear Sky’s camp?
  29. Sagewhisker: In Yellowfang’s Secret, Sagewhisker tells Yellowfang that she must be a medicine cat upon discovering Yellowfang’s ability to sense and feel others’ pain. Yellowfang initially resists due to wanting to be a warrior, but Sagewhisker points out that she cannot fight well while feeling the pain of others as well as her own. When she expresses fear that she will die before training an apprentice, Yellowfang finally agrees. Was Sagewhisker justified in pushing Yellowfang to become a medicine cat?
  30. Cinderpelt 2: In Twilight, Cinderpelt catches Leafpool in a forbidden meeting with Crowfeather. Leafpool says that Cinderpelt never wanted anything other than to be a medicine cat, and refuses to go home and end her meetings with Crowfeather. Cinderpelt attacks her in a rage. Was Cinderpelt justified in her response to Leafpool?
  31. Graystripe: In Fire and Ice, Bluestar decides to attack RiverClan since the river has frozen over and ThunderClan can cross. In response, Fireheart volunteers to join the battle patrol in order to save Graystripe from having to choose between Silverstream and ThunderClan in the battle. This infuriates Graystripe, who attacks Fireheart in the middle of camp after ThunderClan returns because he feels that Fireheart no longer trusts him and is accusing him of disloyalty. Was Graystripe justified in attacking Fireheart?
  32. Ivypool: In River of Fire, Ivypool is furious when Dovewing returns from her journey with Tigerstar and announces that she is moving to ShadowClan. Ivypool had previously been attempting to discourage Dovewing from bonding with Tigerstar again, and when she hears this, she turns her back on Dovewing. Was Ivypool justified in her response to Dovewing’s decision?
  33. Thistleclaw: In Bluestar’s Prophecy, Thistleclaw threatens Bluefur not to interact with Whitekit. He blames her for Snowfur’s death, doubts Bluefur’s loyalty to ThunderClan, and believes that she is too soft. He also blames her for failing to be present with Whitekit following Snowfur's death. Due to having to train Tigerpaw, however, he is unable to be present to prevent Bluefur’s influence. Was Thistleclaw justified in trying to separate Bluefur and Whitekit?
  34. Ashfur: In Outcast, Lionpaw expresses unhappiness with Ashfur’s training and says that he is not hard enough on him. In response, Ashfur grows angry and engages in a hostile training session with Lionpaw with unsheathed claws. This horrifies the other cats attending the session and frightens the apprentices, but Ashfur praises Lionpaw after Brackenfur stops them. The incident is severe enough that Hollypaw reports it to Brambleclaw, but he reassures her, saying that Ashfur was pleased with Lionpaw’s performance. Was Ashfur justified in engaging Lionpaw in such a brutal fight?
  35. Mapleshade: In Mapleshade’s Vengeance, Mapleshade goes along with Frecklewish’s assumption that her kits were fathered by Birchface, thinking that she can tell the truth later. Was she justified in not correcting this assumption? (credit to Saint Ambrosef)
  36. Lionblaze: In Darkness Within, Lionblaze attacks Ashfur in the ShadowClan camp in a rage, believing that killing him may be the answer to getting Bramblestar back and that Ashfur deserves to die for all of his past crimes. Tigerstar reprimands him for this and sends him home after Shadowsight defends Ashfur. Was Lionblaze justified in attacking Ashfur?
  37. Leopardfur: In Leopardstar’s Honor, Leopardfur’s patrol is confronted by ThunderClan cats at Sunningrocks. Redtail provokes her, and despite Whitefang’s warnings, she attacks him, causing a fight to erupt. The battle leads to the deaths of Whitefang and Sunfish. Was Leopardfur justified in starting the battle?
  38. Onestar: In Thunder and Shadow, ShadowClan asks Onestar for permission to search his territory for an herb that they need to cure a new illness. StarClan has told Puddleshine which herb he needs. Onestar, angry with ShadowClan over the presence of Darktail’s Kin, refuses to allow them to retrieve the herb. Was Onestar justified in barring ShadowClan from gathering the herb?
  39. Firestar, Graystripe, Ravenpaw: In The Darkest Hour, Firestar, Graystripe, and Ravenpaw trespass on RiverClan territory to check on Graystripe’s kits. There, they discover that RiverClan’s half-Clan members are being held as prisoners and witness the killing of Stonefur. Following Stonefur’s execution, the three rescue Mistyfoot, Stormpaw, and Featherpaw, and take them to stay with ThunderClan. Were they justified in rescuing the prisoners?
  40. Crookedstar: In Into the Wild, Crookedstar agrees to allow ShadowClan to hunt on their land in order to avoid potentially deadly conflict with their power-hungry rivals. Crookedstar explains that, with the river as their main source of prey, they can afford to share some of their hunting grounds rather than engage in bloody battles. Was he justified in this decision? (credit to Saint Ambrosef)
  41. Smoky: In Thunder, Smoky takes care of Frostpaw after Splashtail’s murder attempt. He offers to get the horseplace Twoleg to heal her, but she refuses, terrified. Against her wishes, Smoky brings the Twoleg to her anyway, and the Twoleg helps and spays Frostpaw. Was Smoky justified to get the Twoleg to help Frostpaw, even though she told him not to?
  42. Nightstar and Crookedstar: In Leopardstar’s Honor, Nightstar and Crookedstar form an alliance and use it to do two main things: A. They use it to hunt on WindClan’s territory during their absence and potentially stand against ThunderClan if they interfere, thus solving the issue of ShadowClan hunting on RiverClan territory and keeping the two Clans well-fed. This causes three WindClan stragglers to be chased out by both Clans. Were Nightstar and Crookedstar justified in working together to hunt on WindClan’s territory and defend it from WindClan’s return and from ThunderClan’s interference? B. They use it to attack WindClan when they falsely believe that WindClan and ThunderClan are plotting against them, and for the purpose of maintaining access to extra prey. This plan fails when ThunderClan is warned in time to help WindClan. Were Nightstar and Crookedstar justified in using their alliance to attempt to drive WindClan out a second time and maintain access to WindClan’s territory?
  43. Tom: In The First Battle, Tom asks to meet his kits, but Turtle Tail refuses. He ends up stealing the kits and taking them back to his Twoleg nest, believing that they should be raised as kittypets and that they belong with him. This leads to Turtle Tail’s death when she searches for her kits. Was Tom justified in taking the kits?
  44. Brambleclaw: In The Forgotten Warrior, in order to protect her, Brambleclaw covers up for Hollyleaf when she is about to confess to murdering Ashfur. He tells the Clan that Ashfur attacked Hollyleaf, and he died when Hollyleaf defended herself. Was Brambleclaw justified in lying to protect Hollyleaf?
  45. Talltail: In Tallstar’s Revenge, Talltail decides to go on a journey partly because he wishes to hunt down Sparrow and get revenge for his father, Sandgorse’s death. He mistakenly believes that Sparrow deliberately left Sandgorse in the collapsing tunnel and saved himself, fueled in part by his unresolved issues with Sandgorse not respecting his desire to be a moor-runner, and only realizes otherwise when Sparrow is about to die. Was Talltail justified in seeking revenge based on his assumption?
  46. Fireheart: In A Dangerous Path, RiverClan attacks ThunderClan to take back Sunningrocks. During this battle, Bluestar is cornered and taunted by Mistyfoot and Stonefur, and is unable to fight them because they are her kits and she has been pining for them. Fireheart, in a desperate bid to protect her, reveals Bluestar’s secret to them, telling them that she is their mother. This gets them to back off. Was Fireheart justified in revealing Bluestar’s secret to her kits?
  47. Clear Sky: In The First Battle, Clear Sky meets with Gray Wing, Tall Shadow, and Thunder at Fourtrees to discuss his borders. When Jackdaw’s Cry catches a bat after having been warned not to eat forest prey and after having been starved by Clear Sky’s group, it angers Clear Sky’s cats, and Clear Sky accuses Thunder of plotting a battle. He orders his cats to attack. Was Clear Sky justified in ordering the attack?
  48. Bramblestar: In Squirrelflight’s Hope, Squirrelflight brings one of the Sisters, Sunrise, back to camp after she is badly injured. Furious with Squirrelflight for going behind his back, Bramblestar refuses to allow the medicine cats to treat her, telling them to instead travel to the Moonpool and ask StarClan for advice. Eventually, Leafpool manages to convince him to allow her to treat Sunrise. Was Bramblestar justified in refusing to help Sunrise?
  49. Bluefur: In Bluestar’s Prophecy, Bluefur is told throughout her life by Goosefeather that she has a great destiny. She deals with her mistrust of the ambitious Thistleclaw, whom Goosefeather has warned will lead ThunderClan into bloodshed and destruction if he is allowed to become leader. After spending a night with the RiverClan deputy, Oakheart, she finds that she is pregnant with his kits. Believing that she needs to fulfill Goosefeather’s prophecy and prevent Thistleclaw from becoming deputy, she surrenders her kits to Oakheart to raise in RiverClan so that Sunstar will appoint her deputy. She does so in the middle of a dangerous snowstorm, in which Mosskit dies from the cold. Was Bluefur justified in surrendering her kits to Oakheart in order to prevent Thistleclaw from becoming deputy?
  50. Lionpaw: In Eclipse, WindClan attacks ThunderClan, causing all four Clans to fight. While searching out the WindClan patrols that had split up, Lionpaw realizes that they had used the tunnels he had met with Heatherpaw in to attack. He finds Heatherpaw and attacks her, believing that she told Onestar about the tunnels. He refuses to believe her when she says that she did not tell. Crowfeather appears as Lionpaw is leaving, and Lionpaw ends up nearly killing him in his rage. Was Lionpaw justified for attacking Heatherpaw and Crowfeather over his belief that Heatherpaw reported the tunnels to WindClan?
  51. Darkstar (SkyClan): In Code of the Clans, Darkstar agrees to give a portion of SkyClan land to ThunderClan, as ThunderClan has too many kits to feed. His deputy, Raincloud, argues, but in response, Darkstar proposes a new addition to the warrior code that states that the leader’s word is law. All of the other leaders agree, with Yellowstar, the ShadowClan leader, being the only one to hesitate. Was Darkstar justified in proposing this new law to silence opposition from cats below the leaders?
  52. Tallstar: In Onestar’s Confession, Brushpaw and Tansypaw fail their warrior assessments, which Onepaw attributes to their constant trips to the Twolegplace. As a result, Tallstar decides that they cannot be warriors, and only changes his mind when Onepaw points out the unfairness in not giving the former kittypets a second chance--something that would be done for a Clanborn cat. Despite that Tallstar had previously told the kittypets that they would be driven out if they failed to prove themselves, he decides to offer Brushpaw another opportunity to train, which he accepts. Was Tallstar justified in his initial decision to kick Brushpaw and Tansypaw out of WindClan for failing their assessments?
  53. Mothwing: In Darkness Within, Mothwing believes that Shadowsight is not ready to be a medicine cat due to his mistake in accidentally killing Bramblestar and allowing Ashfur to possess him. Even before this, Mothwing had been questioning the way he does things and had been argumentative. It is also revealed that Mothwing had previously spoken with both Tigerstar and Puddleshine about Shadowsight and expressed doubts about him. With further pressure from Mothwing, Puddleshine eventually decides to revert Shadowsight back to his apprentice duties until StarClan returns and tells them whether or not he should be a medicine cat, and Tigerstar agrees. Was Mothwing justified in questioning Shadowsight’s readiness to be a full medicine cat and encouraging Puddleshine to demote him?
  54. Tigerheart 2: In The Forgotten Warrior, Dawnpelt accuses Jayfeather of murdering Flametail during a Gathering. Tigerheart supports her in her accusation, claiming that he believes her. Although most cats do not believe her, it is said that Jayfeather should step down from his medicine cat position. He later tells Dovewing in The Last Hope that he has to support her, and will not clarify if he believes her or not. Was Tigerheart justified in supporting Dawnpelt’s accusation, even though almost no other cat believed her?
  55. Leafstar: In The Raging Storm, SkyClan faces conflict with ShadowClan, with ShadowClan trespassing and Tigerstar demanding to hunt on their territory. Because of this and the issues with Darktail’s Kin, over time, Leafstar begins to feel that the other Clans are too hungry for battle and that her Clan is unwanted and treated poorly, and she debates whether or not to return to the gorge now that Darktail is dead. It is also discovered that ShadowClan may have poisoned SkyClan’s prey to drive them away (later revealed to be Juniperclaw). During an argument at a Gathering over the conflict and the medicine cats’ vision that the Clan must stay together, Leafstar declares her decision to leave, and after more thought, she finalizes this decision. Was Leafstar justified in deciding to leave the lake territories?
  56. Hawkheart: In Bluestar’s Prophecy, Goosefeather reads a sign in the parted fur of a vole that WindClan will destroy ThunderClan if they do not attack first and destroy their medicine supplies, and they attack WindClan. In the battle, Moonflower attempts to destroy the medicine supplies with Stonepelt, but she flees when they are chased out. As she leaves, Hawkheart intercepts her, having waited outside the den, and he attacks her, eventually killing her. This action stands against Heatherstar’s previous orders for the medicine cat to focus on healing rather than fighting, and afterwards, he expresses no remorse, even later teasing Bluepaw. Was Hawkheart justified in killing Moonflower after she fled from the medicine den?
  57. Sunbeam: In Wind, Sunbeam learns from WindClan that her family is living near their territory, and with Squirrelstar’s indirect permission, she goes to see them. She finds that Berryheart is injured and, unable to ignore her worry, she ends up stealing Jayfeather and Alderheart’s herbs to treat her mother, with the help of Nightheart and Bayshine. Berryheart, however, does not want the herbs. Was Sunbeam justified in stealing herbs to help Berryheart, rather than asking Squirrelstar and the medicine cats? (credit to Brambleheart)
  58. Tallstar 2: In Starlight and Onestar’s Confession, as he is dying, Tallstar decides to give Onewhisker the deputy position instead of Mudclaw, believing that Onewhisker will be able to lead WindClan peacefully and maintain a friendship with ThunderClan, whereas Mudclaw is too aggressive and focused on maintaining distance from the other Clans. It is noted that this is unusual and that Tallstar did not say the correct words. Moreover, in Onestar’s Confession, it is shown that Onewhisker does not desire leadership and is content as an ordinary warrior, and that he is clueless in regards to leadership due to having no experience. Was Tallstar justified in giving Mudclaw’s position to Onewhisker, considering that Onewhisker was inexperienced and was not consulted prior, and that, while being hostile toward the other Clans, Mudclaw was experienced?
  59. Raggedpelt: In Yellowfang’s Secret, Raggedpelt and Yellowpaw discover that Raggedpelt’s father is a kittypet named Hal. Hal initially rejects him, claiming that he never knew Featherstorm, Raggedpelt’s mother. When the kittypets invade ShadowClan to save Russetpaw and Boulder, Raggedpelt confronts Hal, and Hal taunts him for having kittypet blood, causing Raggedpelt to kill him. Yellowfang is horrified, even more so when Russetpaw reveals that Hal had been her father. Was Raggedpelt justified in killing Hal?
  60. Tawnypelt: In Darkest Night, Tawnypelt argues with Scorchfur when he accuses Rowanstar of being a weak and incapable leader. She defends her mate, but Scorchfur persists, blaming Rowanstar for Darktail taking over ShadowClan, and eventually, Tawnypelt snaps and claws him. Scorchfur attacks her as a result and nearly blinds her. Was Tawnypelt justified in starting a fight with Scorchfur over Rowanstar?
  61. Fireheart and Graystripe: In Forest of Secrets, after saving Mistyfoot’s kits from the flood, Fireheart and Graystripe discover that RiverClan has been forced out of their camp and that they are struggling to survive. The two warriors offer to provide ThunderClan prey to RiverClan to help them survive, and Crookedstar accepts. They do so in secret, and eventually, Tigerclaw catches and reports them. Bluestar punishes them, and they can no longer help RiverClan. Were Fireheart and Graystripe justified in giving RiverClan ThunderClan prey during the flood, without asking for permission from Bluestar? (credit to Saint Ambrosef)
  62. Casper: In Riverstar’s Home, Casper comes across River Ripple, Night, and his mate, Cleo, as Night is teaching Cleo how to swim. Assuming that Night is drowning her, he attacks her, inflicting a dangerous wound before Cleo stops him. He is scolded by Cleo, and River Ripple and Night are unimpressed, with Night’s distrust of other cats further solidified after the incident. Casper, however, is remorseful. Was Casper justified in attacking Night under the assumption that she was going to kill his mate?
  63. Feathertail: In Leafpool’s Wish, Leafpool is pregnant with Crowfeather’s kits. On separate occasions, Yellowfang and Feathertail ask Squirrelflight to raise the kits. This request requires Squirrelflight to lie to her mate, Brambleclaw, about being their father. Squirrelflight initially refuses Yellowfang’s request for this reason, but with further pressure from Feathertail, she agrees. Was Feathertail justified in supporting Yellowfang and asking Squirrelflight to raise Leafpool’s kits?
  64. Moth Flight: In Moth Flight’s Vision, Moth Flight has kits with Micah and, throughout the book, she struggles to juggle her medicine cat duties with her duties as a mother. She worries about her kits constantly, which interferes with her ability to work at times, and she fears that her kits are neglected. In the end, she decides that medicine cats should not be allowed to have kits, and StarClan supports her. She sends her four kits to four of the Clans, one each, splitting them up. Was Moth Flight justified in creating the rule that medicine cats cannot have kits?
  65. Jagged Peak: In The Blazing Star, Sparrow Fur goes to Clear Sky’s camp to find Tom, her father. There, she meets One Eye instead, and he severely injures her and kills Tom when he attempts to defend her. Gray Wing finds out that Jagged Peak had given Sparrow Fur permission to go and he is outraged. After Clear Sky reports the incident, Gray Wing snaps at Jagged Peak, telling him that he does not deserve to be a father. This results in a fight between the two brothers. Was Jagged Peak justified in allowing Sparrow Fur to search out her father?

Current Scenario:

Thistleclaw 2: In Bluestar’s Prophecy, Bluefur, Thistleclaw, and Tigerpaw happen upon a lost kitten in ThunderClan territory after Tigerpaw tracks him down. Despite Bluefur’s protests, Thistleclaw allows, even encourages, his apprentice to attack the kit to punish him for trespassing. Before Tigerpaw can potentially kill him, Bluefur finally intervenes, threatening to report them to Sunstar if they do it again. Was Thistleclaw justified in allowing and goading his apprentice to attack the kit, treating him as an intruder?

The respective scene is provided below.

Tigerpaw attacks Tiny:

SPOILER: Click to show

“Kittypet scent!” Tigerpaw came tearing back. “Come on!”

The dark young tabby led them to a sparse strip of woodland not far from a row of bright red Twoleg nests. Light filtered through the bare branches, striping the forest floor.

Tigerpaw started sniffing tufts of grass. “The trail leads this way.”

Bluefur could smell a faint trace of kittypet. Not strong enough to belong to a full-grown cat. “It’s just a kit,” she meowed. “Not worth following.”

“I forgot you had a soft spot for kittypets,” Thistleclaw growled. He followed his apprentice along the scent trail as it led through long grass at the edge of Twolegplace.

They pushed through the grass and emerged in a sunny patch of scrub beside a fence. A tiny black kittypet was snuffling at the ground. As the three Clan cats advanced, he spun around, eyes wide.

“Hello.” He blinked happily, tail high.

Tigerpaw bristled, and Thistleclaw had already unsheathed his claws.

Bluefur tensed, willing the tiny tom to run. The fence wasn’t far. There was a chance it might escape.

A growl rumbled in Thistleclaw’s throat. “What are you doing here? This is ThunderClan territory!”

“Thistleclaw, he’s only a kit. He’s no threat,” Bluefur pleaded.

“An intruder is an intruder, Bluefur! You’ve always been too soft on them.”

Bluefur felt sick as Thistleclaw turned to his apprentice. “Here, let’s put it to my apprentice. What do you think, Tigerpaw? How should we handle this?”

“I think the kittypet should be taught a lesson,” Tigerpaw hissed. “One it’ll remember.”

Bluefur stepped forward. “Now, hold on, there’s no need for this—”

Thistleclaw turned on her, arching his back. “Shut up!”

Tigerpaw lunged at the kit, sending it flying like a piece of prey. The kit skidded across the rough earth and landed, gasping for breath.

Get up!

Tail bushed in terror, the kit tried to scramble to its paws. But Tigerpaw pounced again. The tabby apprentice pinned the kit to the ground. With claws unsheathed, he swiped at its muzzle, then raked its flank. The kit squealed in agony.

“Show it your teeth, Tigerpaw,” Thistleclaw goaded.

Tigerpaw sunk his teeth into the kit’s shoulder and hauled it to its paws. The kit yowled and struggled, its paws scrabbling helplessly on the ground until Tigerpaw, his eyes gleaming, flung him away.


Blood welling scarlet along his wounds, the kit pressed his belly to the ground as though he wished he could just vanish. Tigerpaw padded grimly toward it.

“Stop, Tigerpaw!” Bluefur pelted past him and stood in front of the kit. “That’s enough!” She bared her teeth, prepared to fight. Tigerpaw would kill this kit if she let him carry on. It was no bigger than Whitekit. The thought wrenched her heart. “Warriors don’t need to kill to win a battle, remember?”

Tigerpaw halted and glared at her. “I was just defending our territory.”

“And you’ve done that,” Bluefur reasoned. “This kit has learned its lesson.”

The kit stood up on shaking paws and gazed at Tigerpaw with terror in its eyes.

“Yeah,” Tigerpaw agreed. He leered at the kit. “You'll never forget me!”

Bluefur held her ground while the kit scuttled away. “If I ever see you do something like that again”—her eyes flashed from mentor to apprentice—”I’ll report you to Sunstar!”

“We were only defending ThunderClan territory from invaders,” Thistleclaw snarled.

“That so-called invader was a kit!”

Thistleclaw shrugged. “That’s his problem.” He turned and stalked away between the trees, his spiky pelt soon swallowed in shadow. Tigerpaw trotted after him with his tail up, proud of his brave victory.

Rage throbbed in Bluefur’s paws as she stared after them.

I'll never let you take power in this Clan, Thistleclaw!

Final Verdicts

SPOILER: Click to show

Rusty: With 15 votes for Justified and 0 votes for Unjustified, Rusty is Justified!
Mistystar: With 6 votes for Justified and 17 votes for Unjustified, Mistystar is Unjustified!
Tigerheart: With 6 votes for Justified and 8 votes for Unjustified, Tigerheart is Unjustified!
Bristlefrost: With 16 votes for Justified and 2 votes for Unjustified, Bristlefrost is Justified!
Reedfeather: With 4 votes for Justified and 13 votes for Unjustified, Reedfeather is Unjustified!
Hailstar: With 4 votes for Justified and 10 votes for Unjustified, Hailstar is Unjustified!
Rowanstar: With 2 votes for Justified and 14 votes for Unjustified, Rowanstar is Unjustified!
Mudclaw: With 12 votes for Justified and 12 votes for Unjustified, Mudclaw's judgment is Undecided.
Pinestar: With 8 votes for Justified and 12 votes for Unjustified, Pinestar is Unjustified!
Hollyleaf: With 9 votes for Justified and 11 votes for Unjustified, Hollyleaf is Unjustified!
Quiet Rain: With 20 votes for Justified and 2 votes for Unjustified, Quiet Rain is Justified!
Swiftpaw: With 0 votes for Justified and 17 votes for Unjustified, Swiftpaw is Unjustified!
Stormfur: With 12 votes for Justified and 9 votes for Unjustified, Stormfur is Justified!
Talltail and Shrewclaw: With 1 vote for Justified and 19 votes for Unjustified, Talltail and Shrewclaw are Unjustified!
Flametail: With 0 votes for Justified and 18 votes for Unjustified, Flametail is Unjustified!
Berryheart: With 10 votes for Justified and 7 votes for Unjustified, Berryheart is Justified!
Cinderpelt: With 24 votes for Justified and 1 vote for Unjustified, Cinderpelt is Justified!
Thornclaw: With 7 votes for Justified and 11 votes for Unjustified, Thornclaw is Unjustified!
Yellowfang: With 3 votes for Justified and 17 votes for Unjustified, Yellowfang is Unjustified!
Leafpool: With 16 votes for Justified and 0 votes for Unjustified, Leafpool is Justified!
Wind Runner: With 10 votes for Justified and 8 votes for Unjustified, Wind Runner is Justified!
Needlepaw: With 1 vote for Justified and 16 votes for Unjustified, Needlepaw is Unjustified!
Thunder: With 16 votes for Justified and 1 vote for Unjustified, Thunder is Justified!
Firestar: With 16 votes for Justified and 6 votes for Unjustified, Firestar is Justified!
Spotfur: With 17 votes for Justified and 0 votes for Unjustified, Spotfur is Justified!
Nightheart: With 19 votes for Justified and 5 votes for Unjustified, Nightheart is Justified!
Stoneteller: With 8 Justified votes and 9 Unjustified votes, Stoneteller is Unjustified!
Storm: With 21 votes for Justified and 0 votes for Unjustified, Storm is Justified!
Sagewhisker: With 6 votes for Justified and 6 votes for Unjustified, Sagewhisker's judgment is Undecided.
Cinderpelt 2: With 3 votes for Justified and 13 votes for Unjustified, Cinderpelt is Unjustified!
Graystripe: With 1 vote for Justified and 27 votes for Unjustified, Graystripe is Unjustified!
Ivypool: With 17 votes for Justified and 5 votes for Unjustified, Ivypool is Justified!
Thistleclaw: With 1 vote for Justified and 23 votes for Unjustified, Thistleclaw is Unjustified!
Ashfur: With 2 votes for Justified and 24 votes for Unjustified, Ashfur is Unjustified!
Mapleshade: With 6 votes for Justified and 14 votes for Unjustified, Mapleshade is Unjustified!
Lionblaze: With 15 votes for Justified and 8 votes for Unjustified, Lionblaze is Justified!
Leopardfur: With 2 votes for Justified and 23 votes for Unjustified, Leopardfur is Unjustified!
Onestar: With 0 votes for Justified and 25 votes for Unjustified, Onestar is Unjustified!
Firestar, Graystripe, Ravenpaw: With 21 votes for Justified and 0 votes for Unjustified, they are Justified!
Crookedstar: With 12 votes for Justified and 6 votes for Unjustified, Crookedstar is Justified!
Smoky: With 20 votes for Justified and 2 votes for Unjustified, Smoky is Justified!
Nightstar and Crookedstar ([Part A]): With 1 vote for Justified and 16 votes for Unjustified, they are Unjustified!
Nightstar and Crookedstar ([Part B]): With 0 votes for Justified and 17 votes for Unjustified, they are Unjustified!
Tom: With 3 votes for Justified and 24 votes for Unjustified, Tom is Unjustified!
Brambleclaw: With 17 votes for Justified and 2 votes for Unjustified, Brambleclaw is Justified!
Talltail: With 2 votes for Justified and 18 votes for Unjustified, Talltail is Unjustified!
Fireheart: With 15 votes for Justified and 4 votes for Unjustified, Fireheart is Justified!
Clear Sky: With 0 votes for Justified and 19 votes for Unjustified, Clear Sky is Unjustified!
Bramblestar: With 16 votes for Justified and 16 votes for Unjustified, Bramblestar's judgment is Undecided.
Bluefur: With 20 votes for Justified and 10 votes for Unjustified, Bluefur is Justified!
Lionpaw: With 5 votes for Justified and 23 votes for Unjustified, Lionpaw is Unjustified!
Darkstar (SkyClan): With 1 vote for Justified and 19 votes for Unjustified, Darkstar is Unjustified!
Tallstar: With 18 votes for Justified and 4 votes for Unjustified, Tallstar is Justified!
Mothwing: With 7 votes for Justified and 15 votes for Unjustified, Mothwing is Unjustified!
Tigerheart 2: With 2 votes for Justified and 21 votes for Unjustified, Tigerheart is Unjustified!
Leafstar: With 20 votes for Justified and 0 votes for Unjustified, Leafstar is Justified!
Hawkheart: With 6 votes for Justified and 16 votes for Unjustified, Hawkheart is Unjustified!
Sunbeam: With 13 votes for Justified and 7 votes for Unjustified, Sunbeam is Justified!
Tallstar 2: With 7 votes for Justified and 13 votes for Unjustified, Tallstar is Unjustified!
Raggedpelt: With 5 votes for Justified and 17 votes for Unjustified, Raggedpelt is Unjustified!
Tawnypelt: With 6 votes for Justified and 14 votes for Unjustified, Tawnypelt is Unjustified!
Casper: With 7 votes for Justified and 7 votes for Unjustified, Casper's judgment is Undecided.
Feathertail: With 3 votes for Justified and 14 votes for Unjustified, Feathertail is Unjustified!
Moth Flight: With 8 votes for Justified and 19 votes for Unjustified, Moth Flight is Unjustified!
Jagged Peak: With 8 votes for Justified and 12 votes for Unjustified, Jagged Peak is Unjustified!

Thistleclaw 2: Justified or Unjustified? | Warrior Cats Forums (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.